viernes, 17 de septiembre de 2021

 Physics studies the subparticles of the atom, but physics reaches a point of not being able to decipher why they act strangely, because they are conscious, and not only that, but they are artistic, such as the muon, which has characteristics similar to the photon, and can entangle with various dimensions within a kind of medium that no longer uses space but counter space and that centralizes time as a nucleus of gravity. Because gravity is not magnetism or electricity but the sensation of movement. And the sensationality is expressed by a type of experience triggered by many triggered events. The atomic subparticles no longer obey a logic of conventional physical mathematics but rather one that is unpredictable that does not depend on what happens, but on what has never happened. A subparticle as the smallest of matter can be called does not mean matter at all but an intelligent thought of many probabilities because it is not composed of atomic energy but of a

Atomic subparticles

Atomic subparticles


Xavier Carriles

Xavier Carriles

 Xavier Carriles